Size matters!
We like to think of ourselves as a "micro" publishing service.
We publish a maximum of four books annually to work one-on-one with you.
*While we welcome manuscripts in all categories, we DO NOT accept any content deemed to be objectionable by our editors. Material that is pornographic, libellous, extremely violent/contains gratuitous violence or supports conspiracy theories will not be accepted.
If you'd like us to publish your work, please email the following information to [email protected]
We'll let you know if your manuscript is a good fit for Silverdog Publishers. If so, we'll provide a free sample edit of the 500 words you sent us, suggestions for your next steps, and a preliminary quote for editing. Keep in mind that almost all accepted manuscripts require some level of editorial service.
- Title
- Total WORD count (NOT page count)
- Synopsis
- Whether the book will include images (b/w or colour)
- Your name and a short bio and publishing history, if any
- A brief paragraph telling us why you wrote this book
- Attach any 500-word section from your book that constitutes a representative sample of your work (highlights form, style and content). Word or Pages preferred. Plain Text is also acceptable.
We'll let you know if your manuscript is a good fit for Silverdog Publishers. If so, we'll provide a free sample edit of the 500 words you sent us, suggestions for your next steps, and a preliminary quote for editing. Keep in mind that almost all accepted manuscripts require some level of editorial service.
Things to know:
THE FINE PRINT *Our publishing service is not free. Very few things in life are. However, we do not upsell services, and our rates are highly competitive. We work from home, meaning we have very little, and we use a press right here on the island, so shipping costs are minimal if you are on the island, too. Remember, we are also writers. We are here to offer a friendly alternative to the "big guys" - and save you some money in the process. *Proofreading: You are not obliged to make use of our editing services for us to publish your book. However, to maintain the high standards of Silverdog Publishing, final, careful scrutiny of your manuscript by us is required before printing. See our editing page for proofreading rates. ***Contract: If you decide to have your book published by Silverdog, you must sign a contract. |